Charter Oak Mile

Working with the National Park Service, the iQuilt Partnership has developed the concept plan for Charter Oak Mile, a historical/cultural promenade along Buckingham Street and Charter Oak Avenue that connects the state Capitol ground to Coltsville and the Connecticut River. The Mile is lined with some of the most interesting and diverse structures and destinations in the region.
One of iQuilt's most important and critical roles in the community is needs assessment. Each year, iQuilt works closely with Hartford's Planning and Development office,--and, most importantly, its large and highly engaged group of downtown stakeholders --to develop a mutually agreed list of targeted iQuilt projects. Out of that exercise, Charter Oak Mile and Charter Oak Crossing conceptual plans were developed and small projects are being worked on alongtheu mile corridor..
Charter Oak Crossing is the intersection of Charter Oak Avenue and Prospect Street. Some of Hartford’s major institutions and structures front Prospect Street. They include: UConn Hartford, the Federal Court House, Wadsworth, Burr Mall with Alexander Calder’s Stegosaurus, the Travelers Tower, the Hartford Club, Eversource, City Hall and the street ends with the Old State House grounds.