Partner: Constanza Segovia
A city is made better by its artists, and Hartford is home to amazingly talented artists, including Constanza Segovia of VEO VEO. VEO VEO is a bilingual design studio in Hartford, CT focused on visual thinking as a tool to advance equity, social justice, and access to the arts.
We first partnered with for live-doodling at Envisionfest Hartford, and several times since.
Constanza went from venue to venue during Envisionfest Hartford 2016 and doodled what she saw, heard and did.

We asked “what’s next for the city?” during a Board of Corporators meeting, and we were thrilled with Constanza’s visual note-taking. She captured the ideas and the optimism of the attendees as they were expressed.

In 2019 she helped us brand the Washington Street and Hudson Street corridors with wraps for electrical boxes with messages in Spanish and English about Hartford’s medical and educational institutions.